Upload a File to a Folder

This page offers step-by-step instructions on how to effortlessly upload a file to a folder in Vult .

  1. Locate and click on the "Upload" option situated in the upper right-hand corner of the Vult dashboard.

  1. Next, carefully select the files you wish to upload from your local system.

  1. A convenient popup window will emerge, providing you with two options: you can either name the file (for the sake of this example, we'll call it a "sample file") or choose the specific location within the platform where you want to upload the file. If you choose for the latter, click on the "+ Create Folder" button to create a new folder.

4. To proceed, provide a name for the newly created folder and then click on the "Create" button.

  1. Once the folder is successfully created, select it (for our example, let's assume we named it "backup") and click on the "Upload" button.

  1. Upon successful completion of the upload, your folder will be conveniently listed under the "Recents" section within the application.

  1. To access and view the uploaded file, simply click on the folder.See the newly created "backup" folder below:

  1. To explore additional options for managing the file, click on the three dots located beneath the uploaded file. This action will reveal a menu containing various file operations.

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