Uploading and Managing Files

Uploading a file to dStorage

./zbox upload command is used to upload a file on dStorage. Parameters for uploading a file to dStorage can be viewed by using the ./zbox upload --help command.

Here are the Parameters :

Example :

Let's upload an info.txt file to allocation, the local path for the file is mapped to a local variable and the remote directory is mapped to a remote variable which is myfiles/info.txt.

Sample Command:

./zbox upload --localpath $local --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC


Verify whether the uploaded file is available on dStorage using list command required parameters are allocation ID and remote path

./zbox list --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC 


  TYPE |   NAME   |       PATH        | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS |LOOKUP HASH | 
  f    | info.txt | /myfiles/info.txt | 24 | 4 | f15383a1130bd2fae1e52a7a15c4322
  69eeb7def555f1f8b9b9a28bd9611362c | NO | owner

The response yields a lookuphash which works as a unique identifier for the uploaded file. Since you uploaded the file, the download payer section will show it as owner.

Copy and mark your lookup hash to a variable as it will be used for performing other file operations export LOOKUPHASH=f15383a1130bd2fae1e52a7a15c432269eeb7def555f1f8b9b9a28bd9611362c

Uploading an Encrypted File to dStorage

Parameters for encrypting and uploading a file to dStorage are almost the same as uploading a file on dStorage and only requires an additional --encrypt flag with the command.

For instance if we want to encrypt and upload a sample info.txt file the command would be:


./zbox upload --encrypt --localpath $local --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC 


24 / 24 [================================================================] 100.00% 0s
Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = info.txt

To verify whether the file is encrypted and uploaded to dstorage use the list command :

./zbox list --allocation $ALLOC --remotepath $remote


 TYPE |   NAME   |       PATH        | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS |LOOKUP HASH 
  f    | info.txt | /myfiles/info.txt | 24 | 4 | f15383a1130bd2fae1e52a7a15c432269
  eeb7def555f1f8b9b9a28bd9611362c | YES | owner

Scroll right in the response and check the IS ENCRYPTED section, it will say YES if the file is encrypted.

Updating the contents of a file on dStorage

Use ./zbox update command to update the content of an existing file in the remote path. Like upload command. Only the owner of the allocation or a collaborator can update a file. To add collaborators to an allocation, check File Collaboration.

Parameters for updating the contents of the file on dStorage can be seen by typing ./zbox update --help

Here are the parameters:

Sample Command:

./zbox update --localpath $local --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC  

Verify the contents of updated file on dStorage using the list command.

./zbox list --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC

Sample Response:


  f    | info.txt | /myfiles/info.txt | 76 |  4 | f15383a1130bd2fae1e52a7a15c432
  269eeb7def555f1f8b9b9a28bd9611362c | NO | owner

Create Directory

./zbox createdir command is used to create directory on allocation for storing files.

Sample Command:

./zbox createdir --allocation $ALLOCATION_ID --dirname /photos

Sample Response:

/photos directory created

Note: To verify whether directory is created successfully run List all files command.

Sharing a File on dStorage

Zbox supports sharing of files using auth tokens. Sharing can be encrypted or not encrypted for this section we will describe the non-encrypted share functionality. For encrypted shared functionality have a look at Private Sharing .

./zbox share command is used to generate an authtoken that provides authorization to the holder to the specified file on the remotepath. Parameters for sharing the file can be viewed using the ./zbox share --help

The parameters are:


./zbox share --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC

The response will yield an Auth token which can be shared publicly to users for downloading the file.

Sample Response:

Note: Use an export command and mark your Auth token to a variable to use with more commands

export AUTH= eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiIiLCJvd25lcl9pZCI6IjE3NTNkMjlkODE5ODkyNmZhYzJlZDQzYWNj

Downloading the file from dStorage

The ./zbox download can be used to download the file in two ways from dStorage. Using the Allocation ID or Authticket.

Download using Allocation ID and Remotepath

Parameters for downloading the contents of file from dStorage can be viewed using the./zbox download --help

Here are the parameters:


./zbox download --localpath $local --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC 

Sample Response:

If you are not able to download files and getting Error in file operation: File content didn't match with uploaded file response check Error 2 in Tips and Troubleshooting Section.

Download using Authticket

The necessary flags for downloading the file using the Authticket is auth ticket and local path. Get the AuthToken for the file on dstorage from another user and mark it to a variable. We will use auth token created and marked to AUTH variable for the file we shared in sharing a file on dStorage section .


./zbox download --authticket $AUTH --localpath $local 


 28 / 28 [==========================================================] 100.00% 0s
Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = info.txt

As you can see Zbox has identified the file(info.txt) based on the auth token and didn't require any remote path and allocation id.

Deleting a File from dStorage

Deleting the file on dStorage can be done using the ./zbox delete command. Parameters for deleting the contents of the file on dStorage can be seen by typing ./zbox delete --help

Here are the parameters:


./zbox delete --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC

Sample Response:

Verify whether the updated txt file is available on dstorage using the list command

./zbox list --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC 



As you can see the file is not showing in remote directory which means the file has been successfully deleted.

Copy File to Another Existing Folder in dStorage

Use ./zbox copycommand to copy file to another folder path in dStorage. Only the owner of the allocation can copy an object.

By using ./zbox copy --help .You can have a look at the parameters:

Required Flags for copying the file to another folder are Allocation ID, the remote path to the existing file on dstorage, and the new destination path/folder path to copy a file to.

Steps :

  1. Verify whether the sync.txt file is available in the remote path using list command.

./zbox list --remotepath / --allocation $ALLOC 


  TYPE |   NAME   |   PATH    | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS |                           LOOKUP HASH                            | IS ENCRYPTED | DOWNLOADS PAYER
  d    | myfiles  | /myfiles  |      |          4 | 0343cabc0c987686344be0b30055df76994888ce9159f97a9c76de035225fc9a |              | owner
  f    | sync.txt | /sync.txt |   68 |          4 | 1fe7228abacc12a28277ff2fb5f97c7b7288942b8bbd7c5a96f80a1a65a0367e | NO           | owner

2. Use the ./zbox copy command to copy files.

./zbox copy --remotepath /sync.txt --destpath /myfiles --allocation $ALLOC

Successful Response:

/sync.txt copied

3. Verify whether the file has copied using:

./zbox list --remotepath /myfiles --allocation $ALLOC


  TYPE |   NAME   |       PATH        | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS |                           LOOKUP HASH                            | IS ENCRYPTED | DOWNLOADS PAYER
  f    | info.txt | /myfiles/info.txt |   76 |          4 | f15383a1130bd2fae1e52a7a15c432269eeb7def555f1f8b9b9a28bd9611362c | NO           | owner
  f    | sync.txt | /myfiles/sync.txt |   68 |          4 | 4a5669bef007b8f3b8a93e34fb9c43ab1f868701379777c2580b8196029e9923 | NO           | owner

Moving Files Between Directories in dStorage

The ./zbox move command can be used to move files between folder paths in dStorage. The parameters required for the move command can be viewed using ./zbox move --help

The required parameters are Allocation ID , dest path and remote path of the moving file . Steps:

  1. Verify whether the directories are available in the remote path using the list command.

./zbox list --remotepath / --allocation $ALLOC 


    TYPE |   NAME   |   PATH    | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS |                           LOOKUP HASH                            | IS ENCRYPTED | DOWNLOADS PAYER
  d    | myfiles  | /myfiles  |      |          8 | 0343cabc0c987686344be0b30055df76994888ce9159f97a9c76de035225fc9a |              | owner
  f    | sync.txt | /sync.txt |   68 |          4 | 1fe7228abacc12a28277ff2fb5f97c7b7288942b8bbd7c5a96f80a1a65a0367e | NO           | owner
  d    | myfiles1 | /myfiles1 |      |          4 | d541b2190c7527967ae10a8f991f34ebf9d474c10ba02832d224093110f1fcfc |              | owner

As you can see there are two directory paths available /myfiles and myfiles1.We will move the info.txt file available remotepath /myfiles to the destpath /myfiles1 .

2. Use the ./zbox move command

./zbox move --remotepath /myfiles/info.txt --destpath /myfiles1 --allocation $ALLOC 

Successful Response:

/myfiles/info.txt moved

3. Verify whether the file has moved by listing the directory path using:

./zbox list --remotepath /myfiles1 --allocation $ALLOC 


  TYPE |   NAME    |        PATH         | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS |                           LOOKUP HASH                            | IS ENCRYPTED | DOWNLOADS PAYER
  f    | info1.txt | /myfiles1/info1.txt |  112 |          4 | 675fab6ebfd03539848e224c2f758af33f5c8f34fb1471c9ede1fa387e389d52 | NO           | owner
  f    | info.txt  | /myfiles1/info.txt  |   76 |          4 | c369ce1609ca141142ab3146b7c436d945bfa4f1dd6dda1f19820dbd71c3dfe1 | NO           | owner

Renaming Files in dStorage

./zbox rename command can be used to rename files already existing in dStorage.Only the allocation's owner can rename a file. Parameters for the command can be viewed using ./zbox rename --help


./zbox rename --remotepath /sync.txt --destname $DEST_PATH --allocation $ALLOC


/sync.txt renamed

Verify by listing the remote path using

./zbox list --remotepath / --allocation $ALLOC 


  TYPE |       NAME        |       PATH        | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS |                           LOOKUP HASH                            | IS ENCRYPTED | DOWNLOADS PAYER
  d    | myfiles           | /myfiles          |      |          4 | 0343cabc0c987686344be0b30055df76994888ce9159f97a9c76de035225fc9a |              | owner
  d    | myfiles1          | /myfiles1         |      |          8 | d541b2190c7527967ae10a8f991f34ebf9d474c10ba02832d224093110f1fcfc |              | owner
  f    | /myfiles/info.txt | /myfiles/info.txt |   68 |          4 | f15383a1130bd2fae1e52a7a15c432269eeb7def555f1f8b9b9a28bd9611362c | NO           | owner

List files from Blobbers

./zbox listcommand is used to list all the files from a specified directory on dStorage. Use ./zbox list --help to know the possible parameters.

Command :

./zbox list --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC 

Sample Response :

Get Stats for file in dStorage

./zbox stats command can be used to get upload, download and challenge information for a file. Parameters for the command can be viewed using ./zbox stats --help


  1. Verify whether the file exists at the remote path using

./zbox list --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC 


  TYPE |   NAME    |        PATH         | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS |                           LOOKUP HASH                            | IS ENCRYPTED | DOWNLOADS PAYER
  f    | info1.txt | /myfiles1/info1.txt |  112 |          4 | 675fab6ebfd03539848e224c2f758af33f5c8f34fb1471c9ede1fa387e389d52 | NO           | owner
  f    | info.txt  | /myfiles1/info.txt  |   76 |          4 | c369ce1609ca141142ab3146b7c436d945bfa4f1dd6dda1f19820dbd71c3dfe1 | NO           | owner

2. Run the stats command using

./zbox stats --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC 

Sample Response:

Get metadata for stored file

./zbox meta command is used to get meta data for the given file in dStorage . Use ./zbox meta --help to know more about possible flags.


./zbox meta --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC

Sample Response:

Get Download cost

./zbox get-download-cost determines the cost for downloading the remote file from dStorage. The client must either be the owner, a collaborator or be using an auth ticket.


./zbox get-download-cost --allocation $ALLOC --remotepath $remote

Sample Response:

Get Upload cost

./zbox get-upload-cost determines the cost for uploading a local file on dStorage. --duration Ignored if --end true, in which case the cost of upload calculated until the allocation expires.


./zbox get-upload-cost --allocation $ALLOC --localpath $local


Get Differences

./zbox get-diff command returns the differences between the local files specified by localpath and the files stored on the root remotepath of the allocation.localcache flag can also be specified to use the local cache of remote snapshot created during Sync for file comparison.


./zbox get-diff --allocation $ALLOC --localpath $local

Response :

Formatted Shortened Response :



./zbox sync command is used to sync all files in the local folder. Creation, deletion and updation will be done automatically. Parameter details can be viewed using the ./zbox sync --help command.

Here are the Parameters:


Let's sync files stored in the local directory .The local directory for sync in the command below is mapped to local variable. Variable cache is marked to local cache text file located inside the local directory..


./zbox sync --localpath $local --localcache $cache --allocation $ALLOC


Verify whether all the files located in the local directory are synced to dStorage using

./zbox list --remotepath / --allocation $ALLOC 

Batch upload files to dStorage

./zbox sync command with --uploadonly flag can be used to upload all the files in local folder to dStorage. Parameter details can be viewed using the ./zbox sync --help

Here are the Parameters:

Example: We will create three txt files and move them into a directory to specify it as a local path for the ./zbox sync command.

Here is the list of contents of the directory:

file1.txt  file2.txt  file3.txt​

Now by using the ./zbox sync command with --uploadonlyflag we will batch upload these files to the dStorage .Variable local is marked to local directory containing all the files for upload. Variable cache is marked to local cache text file located inside the local directory.


./zbox sync --uploadonly --localpath $local --localcache $cache 


  Upload    | /file1.txt
  Upload    | /file2.txt
  Upload    | /file3.txt

 12 / 12 [=======================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 0s
Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = file1.txt
 24 / 24 [=======================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 0s
Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = file2.txt
 28 / 28 [=======================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 0s
Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = file3.txt

Sync Complete

Verify whether the files are uploaded using

./zbox list --remotepath / --allocation $ALLOC


All the files located in the local directory should be listed in the remotepath.

  TYPE |   NAME    |    PATH    | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS |                           LOOKUP HASH                            | IS ENCRYPTED | DOWNLOADS PAYER
  d    | myfiles   | /myfiles   |      |          4 | e8129c2bc551226f0043b17c218f27bfaababd3e6340c60590e4edbbd9cb2517 |              | owner
  f    | file1.txt | /file1.txt |   12 |          4 | 899454ceec5d3791f15743dfd91ce22eb9b365f1563c5e389bf3b0ca2e92f85f | NO           | owner
  f    | file2.txt | /file2.txt |   24 |          4 | 585d0cc1fcffbf5d2c13697489eb3d49247deaebda380c60afd759b4ca15dad6 | NO           | owner
  f    | file3.txt | /file3.txt |   28 |          4 | 63c8f593b9341873f4b5f478c49da1b6d9c58a3aefc4f483a017b86840ba0e7d | NO           | owner

Private File Sharing

Private sharing of files can be implemented using the ./zbox share command.Parameters can be viewed using./zbox share --helpare shown below:

Note: Private File Sharing only works with encrypted files.

Let's consider two users (User A and B) and User A wants to privately share the info.txt file located in myfiles/info.txt directory in dStorage with User B.

1.User A will upload the encrypted info.txt file. For instructions on how to upload an encrypted file check Uploading an Encrypted file on dStorage.

2. User B has to share his client id and encryption public key which can be retrieved using thegetwalletcommand. Here we are showing the output of the UserB getwallet command


./zbox getwallet


 PUBLIC KEY                       |     CLIENTID          |   ENCRYPTION PUBLIC KEY      
 | 8e4e5ad06a7fef3e3810074f0f6b2d203170d0e386a84936ea5fc94428ce18c9 
 | qpV7bqX77UEzNj722qIrxgpHBVR5i8sR6UDdQ70ZSys=

3.Let's export the User B clientid and public encryption key to a variable named UserB and PUBLIC_KEY_UserB

export UserB=8e4e5ad06a7fef3e3810074f0f6b2d203170d0e386a84936ea5fc94428ce18c9
export PUBLIC_KEY_UserB=qpV7bqX77UEzNj722qIrxgpHBVR5i8sR6UDdQ70ZSys=

4.Now use the ./zbox share command with above exported variables .Also specify the allocation and remote path for the file shared by User A which is myfiles/info.txt .

So the sample command for the UserA is:

./zbox share --clientid $UserB --encryptionpublickey $PUBLIC_KEY_UserB --allocation $ALLOC --remotepath /myfiles/info.txt                                                                                                          



The Response provides an encrypted auth token string that only UserB can use for private download. Any other user using this AuthToken will not be able to download the file.

5.Let's use ./zbox download using Authtoken provided on UserB computer to privately download the file. Necessary Flags are Authtoken and local path to save the file. Make sure to point encrypted auth token using the export AUTH=<Auth token> before running the download command.

./zbox download --authticket $AUTH --localpath /root/  


 23 / 23 [=======================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 0s
Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = info.txt•

6.To check sharing details and verify whether the file is encrypted. You can also base decode the Authtoken using:


Response: The response will provide all the private sharing details and encryption key for the shared file under re_encryption_key field.


Cancel Sharing of File for a Particular User

./zbox share --revoke is used to cancel the share for particular buyer that performed by the seller through Private File Sharing.

Note : ./zbox share --revokeonly works for encrypted files on dStorage.

Required Parameters for Cancel Share are :

Command :

./zbox share --revoke --remotepath $remote --clientid User_CLIENT_ID --allocation $ALLOC

Response :

Share revoked for client User_CLIENT_ID

Private Directory Sharing

Private sharing of directories can be implemented using the ./zbox share command.Parameters can be viewed using./zbox share --helpare shown below:

Note: Private Directory Sharing works for both encrypted and non-encrypted files

Let's consider two users (User A and B) and User A wants to privately share the docs directory in dStorage with User B.

1.User A should check whether the docsdirectory exists on dStorage using the list command.

Command :

./zbox list --remotepath /docs --allocation c6507f3f6470972a928576a2f0cb00019fcc4ca8e60c8c9e085a8a905da6d838

Response :

  TYPE |   NAME    |      PATH       | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS |                           LOOKUP HASH                            | IS ENCRYPTED | DOWNLOADS PAYER  
  f    | info.txt  | /docs/info.txt  |   48 |          4 | 3b256a3b8fbf1f497eea5b7d149228fc23e39c98c7f06b960949690070157d3b | NO            
  f    | hello.txt | /docs/hello.txt |   30 |          3 | 4f2515f95d35c7d6641197cc024608b4dc2af1b4c8fb9af0f2637e0c89c3c5cc | NO            

2. Now User B has to share his client id and encryption public key which can be retrieved using thegetwalletcommand. Here we are showing the output of the UserB getwallet command


./zbox getwallet


 PUBLIC KEY  |    CLIENTID                             |            ENCRYPTION PUBLIC KEY              
  9332ca57e335f286f1d3edc2dd7589594dbb4b30fae19766b5f67712520fde09f8eac6a979f3574ccd89e5680a6b47dcdc88ae0544dc30633cce2a7831ce0014 | 9460d64ab63340a0b4305d20a032690a495ed50d6dc92d238a42b25fdf79258b | bKodfMsHfUNXr/rr8msPe4Rv2nLP34aUIasK44p7tRs=

3.Let's export the User B clientid and public encryption key to a variable named UserB and PUBLIC_KEY_UserB

export UserB=9460d64ab63340a0b4305d20a032690a495ed50d6dc92d238a42b25fdf79258b
export PUBLIC_KEY_UserB=bKodfMsHfUNXr/rr8msPe4Rv2nLP34aUIasK44p7tRs=

4.Now use the ./zbox share command with above exported variables .Also specify the allocation and remote path for the directory .

./zbox share --clientid $UserB --encryptionpublickey $PUBLIC_KEY_UserB --allocation $ALLOC --remotepath /docs                                                                                                        


The Response provides an encrypted auth token string that only UserB can use for private download. Any other user using this AuthToken will not be able to download the file.


5. The string is encoded , to know the sharing details of the string UserB can decode it using the command :

ZmI5ZDk4MWNjMzc0NzQ4OTk3M2QzMDFmOGZjMDVjMzFkIn0=' | base64 --decode

Response :


6. Now UserB can download files inside the shared directory with the AUTH token. First point the encrypted auth token to a variable using the export command.


7. Download the files inside the directory by using the following command

zbox download --localpath $local --authticket $AUTH --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC


 19 / 19 [=====================================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 0s
Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = docs

Note : The allocation ID required in the command above can be retrieved from decoding the AUTH string. For remote path the actual path for the shared directory should be specified.

If you are not able to download files and getting Error in file operation: File content didn't match with uploaded file response check Error 2 in Tips and Troubleshooting Section.

Repair a file on dStorage

Use ./zbox start-repair command to repair a file on dStorage. Parameters can be viewed using the --help flag.

​Sample Command:

./zbox start-repair --repairpath /myfiles --rootpath $root --allocation $ALLOC


Repair file completed, Total files repaired:  0

In the above response the total number of files repaired were 0 which means all the data blocks for the files are not altered or damaged.


Use ./zbox rollback to rollback to a previous state of allocation. This is helpful when you want to rollback to previous version of files you updated on allocation using Update allocation.

Sample Command:

./zbox rollback --allocation $ALLOCATION_ID 

Sample Response:

Rollback successful

Total Stored Data

./zbox total-stored-data returns the summation of all the Size fields in all the files stored across blobbers. Sample Command:

./zbox total-stored-data

Sample Response:

total stored data: 673504

Asking the receiver to pay for download (RX_pay)

RX pay is a specified boolean flag in ./zbox download command which asks the file receiver to pay for their file download.

Parameters for --rx_pay flag can be viewed using the zbox download --help​.

As we can see that RX pay requires download by auth ticket and a rx_pay boolean set to true .

Example: Let's take two users (User A and User B). User A is the seller of the file downloaded by User B (receiver).

1.User A will upload a file on dstorage and share an authtoken for the file. For example we are uploading

info1.txt file located on myfiles directory of dStorage which User B will download and pay for himself using --rxpay.

2.To make the file available for pay User A has to set the--attr-who-pays-for-reads for upload command to 3rd_party (by default it is set to "owner")

Sample Command:

./zbox upload --attr-who-pays-for-reads 3rd_party --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC 

3.To verify whether downloads payer are properly configured use:

./zbox list --remotepath $remote --allocation $ALLOC 


  TYPE |   NAME    |        PATH        | SIZE | NUM BLOCKS | LOOKUP HASH 

  f    | info1.txt | /myfiles/info1.txt |   44 |      4 | bf58c1b39eb26ae8762822623
  e38f919358338017f8b2144e5cf6ccab23fd2af  | NO  | 3rd_party

In the response, you will notice that the downloads payers section for info1.txt are successfully set to 3rd-party.

4.To know how to share a file on dStorage and get an AuthToken for a file have a look at the sharing a file on dStorage .

5.Once the auth token is created and marked to a variable, share it with the receiver(UserB) who will run the .zbox download command to download the file with --rx_pay flag.

Command for User B:

./zbox download --authticket $AUTH --localpath /root/ --rx_pay true 


 23 / 23 [=======================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 0s
Status completed callback. Type = application/octet-stream. Name = info1.txt

To verify whether (UserB) has paid successfully for the download check the wallet and read pool balance for change using ./zwallet getbalance and /zbox rp-info.

Note: Do unlock read tokens using rp-unlock before using ./zwallet getbalanceto let the download money reflect in wallet.

Video Streaming

Video streaming with Zboxcli can be implemented with players for different operating platforms(iOS, Android, Mac). Zbox CLI does not have a player itself and uses the following helping functions :

downloadFileByBlocks - properly returns file-chunks with correct byte range,.

getFileMeta - returns actuaBlockNumbers and actualFileSize (exclude thumbnail size)

getFileMetaByAuth - same updates as getFileMeta

listAllocation - returns actuaBlockNumbers and actualFileSize (exclude thumbnail size)

For all the Platforms streaming implementation using ZboxCLi has the following flow:

When the user starts the video player (ExoPlayer for Android or AVPlayer for iOS), A ZChainDataSource starts chunked download and requests chunks of video from the buffer(a Middleman between streaming player and Zbox).

After the arrival of the first chunk, the player starts requesting more chunks from the buffer which request the Zbox SDK .Zbox SDK which is built using GO makes use of the downloadFileByBlocks method to reliably download large files by chunking them into a sequence of parts that can be downloaded individually. Once the blocks are downloaded they are read into input streams and added to the media source of the streaming player.

The task of downloading files and writing them to buffer using ZboxSDK happens constantly and If player request random bits of video they are delivered instantly by the buffer.

In a case, if the player didn't receive chunks (for example it's still not downloaded), then the player switches to STALE state and the video stream will pause. During the STALE state, player tries to make multiple requests for chunks, if didn't receive a response the video stream stops.

To understand how Zbox CLI provides downloading of files by blocks check the below demonstration:

For instance, Let's consider an allocation which has a audio.mp3file stored on dStorage. Make sure the file has a large size(more than 64 kB(64000 bytes) ) to download the file by blocks. The size and other attributes of the sampleaudio.mp3file can be viewed using

./zbox list --allocation $ALLOC --remotepath /myfiles


  TYPE |   NAME    |        PATH        |  SIZE   | NUM BLOCKS |LOOKUP HASH      
  f    | audio.mp3 | /myfiles/audio.mp3 | 5992396 |         92 | 3cea39505cc30fb9f6fc5c6045284188feb14eac8ff3a19577701c4f6d973239 
  | NO           | owner​

Here we can see audio.mp3 file has size (5993286) bytes and has 92 blocks. If we want to download a certain number of blocks for the info.txt file we can use --endblock or --startblock flag with ./zbox download command. Other flags for download can be viewed using ./zbox download --help

To download only 3 blocks of audio.mp3 file we specify --startblock and--endblock with an integer value of 1 and 3. --blockspermarkerflag can also be specified to download multiple blocks at a time(default is 10).

The whole download command for downloading till 3rd block of audio.mp3 file would be:

./zbox download --localpath /root --remotepath /myfiles/audio.mp3 --allocation $ALLOC --startblock 1 --endblock 3 


 393216 / 2996198 [====================>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]  13.12% 1s
Status completed callback. Type = audio/mpeg. Name = audio.mp3

As we can see, the downloaded file size(393216) is quite less than the original(2996198) which means zbox has downloaded some blocks of the file.


Use feed command to automatically download segment files from remote live feed with --downloader-args "-q -f best"

  • encode them into new segment files with --delay and --ffmpeg-args, and upload.

  • please use youtube-dl -F https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC5mGB5enkw to list formats of video (see below).

[youtube] pC5mGB5enkw: Downloading webpage
[info] Available formats for pC5mGB5enkw:
format code  extension  resolution note
249          webm       audio only tiny   44k , webm_dash container, opus @ 44k (48000Hz), 95.21MiB
250          webm       audio only tiny   59k , webm_dash container, opus @ 59k (48000Hz), 127.05MiB
251          webm       audio only tiny  123k , webm_dash container, opus @123k (48000Hz), 264.98MiB
140          m4a        audio only tiny  129k , m4a_dash container, mp4a.40.2@129k (44100Hz), 277.82MiB
278          webm       256x136    144p   87k , webm_dash container, vp9@  87k, 30fps, video only, 188.78MiB
160          mp4        256x136    144p  118k , mp4_dash container, avc1.4d400c@ 118k, 30fps, video only, 253.62MiB
242          webm       426x224    240p  190k , webm_dash container, vp9@ 190k, 30fps, video only, 409.20MiB
133          mp4        426x224    240p  252k , mp4_dash container, avc1.4d400d@ 252k, 30fps, video only, 541.15MiB
243          webm       640x338    360p  326k , webm_dash container, vp9@ 326k, 30fps, video only, 701.53MiB
134          mp4        640x338    360p  576k , mp4_dash container, avc1.4d401e@ 576k, 30fps, video only, 1.21GiB
244          webm       854x450    480p  649k , webm_dash container, vp9@ 649k, 30fps, video only, 1.36GiB
135          mp4        854x450    480p 1028k , mp4_dash container, avc1.4d401f@1028k, 30fps, video only, 2.16GiB
247          webm       1280x676   720p 1320k , webm_dash container, vp9@1320k, 30fps, video only, 2.77GiB
136          mp4        1280x676   720p 1988k , mp4_dash container, avc1.64001f@1988k, 30fps, video only, 4.17GiB
248          webm       1920x1012  1080p 2527k , webm_dash container, vp9@2527k, 30fps, video only, 5.30GiB
137          mp4        1920x1012  1080p 4125k , mp4_dash container, avc1.640028@4125k, 30fps, video only, 8.64GiB
271          webm       2560x1350  1440p 7083k , webm_dash container, vp9@7083k, 30fps, video only, 14.84GiB
313          webm       3840x2026  2160p 13670k , webm_dash container, vp9@13670k, 30fps, video only, 28.65GiB
18           mp4        640x338    360p  738k , avc1.42001E, 30fps, mp4a.40.2 (44100Hz), 1.55GiB
22           mp4        1280x676   720p 2117k , avc1.64001F, 30fps, mp4a.40.2 (44100Hz) (best)

--downloader-args "-f 22" dowloads video with 22 mp4 1280x676 720p 2117k , avc1.64001F, 30fps, mp4a.40.2 (44100Hz) (best)

The user must be the owner of the allocation.You can request the file be encrypted before upload, and can send thumbnails with the file.

Sample Command:

./zbox feed --localpath <absolute path to file>/tvshow.m3u8 
--remotepath /videos/tvsho --allocation $ALLOC --delay 10 
--downloader-args "-f 22" --feed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC5mGB5enkw

Last updated