Buy ZCN for NFT via ERC token
Select Buy with ERC token as a mode of payment for buying allocation for storing NFT and click Continue.
Next, carefully review and confirm the desired storage amount for your purchase.
Then, click "Buy."
Subsequently, click "Connect to MetaMask."
Note: Please ensure that you have MetaMask installed as a browser extension and are signed in with your wallet before proceeding.
Chalk will retrieve the network fees and total cost in ETH to buy ZCN. Proceed Next to Continue.
Now, provide your Metamask/Ethereum wallet address for making payment then proceed by clicking "Next".
The process of buying ZCN comprises of four distinct stages.
Swap: Exchanging ETH tokens for ZCN-ERC.
Increase Allowance: A higher allowance or gas limit typically signifies that the transaction will require more processing and prioritization.
Burn: Burning a specific amount of the currency with each trade.
Mint: Creating new units of the currency to replace those that were burned.
Note: Please be aware that Chalk will establish a connection with MetaMask and seek confirmation for MetaMask transactions.
Last updated