Use Blimp as Direct Storage
This page provides instructions on how to use Blimp for storing files.
Sign up for Blimp, and you'll be redirected to the Blimp homepage.
2. On the Blimp homepage, initiate the process by clicking on the "+ Create Allocation" button.
Select "Direct Storage" and confirm your choice.
Next, provide your Allocation Settings and confirm them.
Please choose a blobber to host your allocation by clicking on the "Add" button.
Upon selecting a blobber, it will appear in the "Preferred Blobbers" section.
Now, scroll down and click the "Confirm" button.
Confirm the token amount for storage.
Review the token amount for storage.
If you already have a ZCN balance, you can utilize it for payment. Otherwise, you can purchase ZCN in exchange for ERC-20 tokens. For guidance on purchasing ZCN, refer to the "Buy ZCN for Storage" section. In this case, we will utilize the existing balance for payment.
Upon successful payment, your allocation will be created, and you will be redirected to the "All Files" section, where you can find a list of files uploaded to your allocation. To access your allocation name, available storage space, and expiration details, please check the lower left corner of the application. This section is highlighted in the screenshot below.
To upload a file to your allocation, simply click on the "Upload" button located in the upper left corner. The button is highlighted in the screenshot provided below.
Last updated