GoSDK for webapps

GoSDK functions can be exported to WebAssembly which allows you to compile code from languages such as C/C++/Rust to and run them in the browser as web apps.

Exporting a gosdk function to WebAssembly

  1. Build your own go method.

  2. Expose it via jsbridge.BindAsyncFuncs. All of methods are exposed on wasm. You can check them as examples . Here is the list for convenience.\

			"init":                  Init,
			"setWallet":             SetWallet,
			"setZBoxHost":           setZBoxHost,
			"getEncryptedPublicKey": GetEncryptedPublicKey,
			"hideLogs":              hideLogs,
			"showLogs":              showLogs,

			"delete":      Delete,
			"rename":      Rename,
			"copy":        Copy,
			"move":        Move,
			"share":       Share,
			"download":    Download,
			"upload":      Upload,
			"listObjects": listObjects,
			"createDir":   createDir,

			// zcn txn
			"commitFileMetaTxn":   CommitFileMetaTxn,
			"commitFolderMetaTxn": CommitFolderMetaTxn,

			// player
			"play":           Play,
			"stop":           Stop,
			"getNextSegment": GetNextSegment,

			// wallet
			"createWallet": createWallet,

			"createAllocation":      createAllocation,
			"getAllocationBlobbers": getAllocationBlobbers,
			"listAllocations":       listAllocations,

			"executeSmartContract": executeSmartContract,

			"setSwapWallets": setSwapWallets,
			"swapToken":      swapToken,

Last updated